Friday, 25 March 2011

Lack of vocabulary sources

In Statistic #2 Problems and perceiving problems, we can see that all respondents stated that lack of vocabulary as sources is one of the problem in language learning. :

in metaglossary, users just need to enter any key word in the search bar and click 'define'. It will give the definition of the word, synonyms to it, explanation and exemplifications of using the word. The best part is, it also gives related term for the particular word. For example, the word assured is related to the term insurance, declination, policy, conditions and more. This is helpful because not all synonym are suitable for certain sentence.

freerice is site where users play various of educational games for example math, geography, art and VOCABULARY. It will give the users a word, the users can also click the 'speaker' button for pronunciation. Then, answer the question right. For example, Stink means: appear, smell bad, find, donate. If you answer it right, it will donate 10 grains of rice to fight hunger around the world. isn't that great? it helps students to learn new vocab while doing charity!

Activities for ESL students is a web tools to enhance language as well. For vocabulary activities, it have quizzes with easy, easy with pictures, medium and difficult level. For the easy level, the users can choose noun, verb, adjectives, pronoun and other general category such as synonyms and antonym. When the users have answered all categories in level one, they are encourage to move on to next level for better proficient in vocabulary wise.

There are many more language site that could help in improving vocabulary. but this is the best three suggested by us as the games provided can show improvement phases by phases.  

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