Sunday, 13 March 2011

Statistic #3 (Technology and Language)

This section is about how technology could help in English language learning.

1. What technologies you use in language learning?

As you can see, more of the respondents prefer using the computer. 

2. Does online dictionary helps you improve your vocabulary?

Four of the respondents says yes while one of them says no.
* Respondent C says that online dictionary is much faster.
* Respondent D says that using manual dictionary enhance comprehension. 

3. Does online social network helps in English language learning?

Respondent B stated that we can communicate with other people world wide and compare their language usage. 
* Respondent E stated that in Facebook, we can create a group where everyone use English to communicate.

* Respondent C says that people tend to use broken English and short forms in social networking.

4. Do you have tendency to  use or change the language options?

Three of them says yes:
* Respondent B says yes if there are certain words that can not be understood. 

Two of them says no:
* Respondent D says no because it can help to improve English language. 

5. How technology does help you? State reason.

Only one of the respondent says to make better assignments.
*  Respondent D says that Internet helps to find more information.

*is extra note by specific respondent.

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